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                Woodsong Philosophy​


“Learning and teaching should not stand on opposite banks and just watch the river flow by; instead they should embark together on a journey down the water. Through an active reciprocal exchange; teaching can strengthen learning how to learn.”  Loris Malaguzzi


We believe that children are natural scientists and learners, who can discover their knowledge through play, questioning, creativity and authentic experience. Woodsong Preschool is Reggio-inspired, play-focused, project-based, child-led, and art-infused.  The work we do is supported by teachers, and most importantly, led and inspired by children as they interact with the world and environment around them.


Our learning environment invites curiosity and discovery using visual arts, story telling, dramatic play, science, math, literacy, and the 100 other languages children speak. Children will be encouraged to explore the world around them, make mistakes, wonder how and why, collaborate, ask question after question, and foster friendships and relationships.


They will also learn meaningful skills that will help them throughout life:


  • Respect and find beauty in everyone and everything

  • Create awareness that each creature has its' place of importance in the great circle of life

  • Learn how to work together and respect the differences of others

  • Take care of themselves and their environment



The child has a hundred languages,

A hundred hands,

a hundred thoughts,

a hundred ways of thinking,

of playing, of speaking,

and a hundred, hundred more.

Loris Malaguzzi, Founder, Early Childhood Schools of Reggio Emilia, Italy





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